Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts


Interior Design

First Advisor

Christiana Lafazani

Second Advisor

Sara Reed

Third Advisor

Roberto Ventura

Fourth Advisor

W.C. Whitehead

Fifth Advisor

Emily Smith

Sixth Advisor

Jennifer Fell


Scansion is the act of discerning a poem’s meter and measure to discover its overall meaning. To achieve beauty in poetry, just as in interior design, content must continually be in conversation with form. And, just as a building must be scaled against the human figure to determine its final shape, a poem is scaled against human breath, the breadth of our sounds.

Scan & Scansion is a Richmond-based residency with a six-month term providing a work, living and exhibition space to poets and artists who wish to work collaboratively across disciplines. As the program is essentially about applied poetics and process, it presents the perfect moment to place these two modes of measurement alongside one another, exploring how poetics may be used as a design driver--how a space might be both architectural and lyrical, and, ultimately, how poetry and the arts, or the sound and the image, may enrich each other.


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VCU University Archives

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VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

