Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Media, Art, and Text

First Advisor

Richard Fine


Participation in The Digital Public: New Media Art as Online Community examines community online art projects— works of art produced and orchestrated by artists who employ the interconnected and participatory nature of the Internet. Garland contends, in part through a reevaluation of a statement made by artist Nam June Paik concerning a radio performance by John Cage, that community online art projects exist as the newest example of new media art because of a utilization and implementation of established and functioning technology. Through the application of Internet technology, contemporary artists, along with their collaborators and spectators, have the potential to create, build, engage, and exhibit new works of art and form new concepts for the production and practice of art making. This dissertation maintains that Community online art projects serve as the most current example of new media art because they examine the shared uses of the Internet. Participation in The Digital Public: New Media Art as Online Community includes examples and critiques of new online artworks as well as historical analysis of the theories of new media, participation, interconnectivity, and remediation in art through the 20th century.


© The Author

Is Part Of

VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

December 2013
