Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Physics and Applied Physics

First Advisor

Purusottam Jena


Lithium ion batteries are ubiquitous in modern life, from powering hand-held electronic devices to electric vehicles. And with the necessary drive toward renewable energy sources like solar and wind, electricity storage for the grid promises to drive up the demand for higher performing, less expensive, safer, and more environmentally friendly secondary batteries. Recent research has theorized that replacing halogens in batteries’ electrolytes with non-halogens can yield desirable performance characteristics while eliminating the most dangerous and problematic chemicals. This thesis explores the possibility that a similar approach can be taken with the cathodes of lithium ion batteries. The active material in a cathode is a salt composed of an alkali cation – the positive lithium ion, and a negative ion – usually a metal oxide. Replacing the negative ion with a superhalogen, which is more electronegative than the most electronegative element, may yield comparable electronic properties to current cathode materials while also opening up opportunities to research materials previously not considered for lithium ion battery cathodes.


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