"Monitoring Software and Charged Particle Identification for the CLAS12" by William A. Oliver



Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Physics and Applied Physics

First Advisor

Dr. Yelena Prok


The CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer for the 12 GeV era, known as CLAS12, uses the time of flight (TOF) system to identify charged particles from scattering events between the beam and target. The TOF system is divided into two parts: The Forward time of flight system, and the Central time of flight system. These two sub-systems subtend different polar angles of the detector geometry for wide acceptance of scattered particles. Reconstruction is the service used to identify particles from the interactions between the beam and target, called as a vertex or the point where the interaction occurs. The vertex position is traced back using the tracking system and the TOF system. The resolution of the detector affects the accuracy of the reconstructed vertex location. This paper’s goal will be to develop software for validation suite for CLAS12, which will include central and forward tracking plots. Plots will be developed to check the precision of the reconstructed vertices in both the central and forward detectors. This will be done assuming a target with zero dimension at ���� = 0, and an extended target of 5 cm at ���� = 0. This paper will also look at the TOF resolution, and identify particles using the TOF detectors and the effect of the vertex correction on the velocity vs. momentum plots.


© William A Oliver

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