"Cyberbullying: School Administrators' Perceptions of Law and Prevalenc" by Suzan Gragg Denby



Author ORCID Identifier


Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



First Advisor

Dr. Whitney Newcomb

Second Advisor

Dr. Barbara Driver

Third Advisor

Dr. Jonathan Becker

Fourth Advisor

Dr. William Noel, Sr.


This study was aimed at investigating secondary school administrators’ experiences with and their perceptions of cyberbullying, as well as their intervention and prevention procedures. As technology has become ubiquitous in our society, students’ use has increased and impacted the school environment. Given the potential for cyberbullying and the negative effects of such, schools harbor the responsibility to prevent and intervene in such occurrences. This can be a tricky process.

This study included 12 administrators of secondary schools across eight school divisions in Virginia. Through an interview process, administrators spoke of their experiences with technology and cyberbullying incidents, and how they intervened and prevented such incidents.

In general, the administrators reported following the Student Code of Conduct as a district policy and guideline for managing cyberbullying and technology disruptions in their schools. The talked about the difficulty of determining when an incident that took place off campus was within their “jurisdiction” to handle, and when they need to involve law enforcement. They also spoke of the variability in the cyberbullying definition and how this variability created confusion and lack of consistency.


© Suzan Gragg Denby, M.Ed. Ph.D.

Is Part Of

VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

