"Mother is How I Got Down Pat" by Kyrae Dawaun



Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Painting and Printmaking

First Advisor

Cara Benedetto

Second Advisor

Noah Simblist

Third Advisor

Caitlin Cherry


This essay gathers concepts of matriarchal studies, theatre and hospitality in thinking beyond the contemporary venue of painting. Recognizing the limits of fine arts, as it is today, a product of a patriarchal, capitalistic societal structure, in its service to an inclusive, public sphere, my work is insistent on the value of installation. Accessibility to space (the art space), language, and the right to politics are goals inspiring the evolved features in my studio practice. The use of word is central in my study of our human behaviors as they can be best modeled according to the appreciation of mother(ing). Reflecting my personal background my image making considers the black heroin as a viable leader in the manifestation of this new calibration. This practice conflating the efforts of diverse media of the plastic arts is refreshing in arts return to reflect and serve community.


© Kyrae Dawaun 2020

Is Part Of

VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

