Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts


Painting and Printmaking

First Advisor

Hilary Wilder

Second Advisor

Hope Ginsburg

Third Advisor

Caitlin Cherry

Fourth Advisor

Orla McHardy


My work examines the lasting psychological and emotional torment of trauma focusing on sexual violence against women. My thesis consists of five short animated films recounting non-fiction experiences of sexual assault. To contextualize my work within cultural and historical representations of sexual violence, this text reflects my research on the mishandling of rape in Western art history as well as contemporary politics and cinema. In both my work and research, I address the complicated, and often contradictory, internal reality of experiencing and remembering trauma and how this relates to artistic strategies such as collage and maximalism. My personal struggles recovering from sexual abuse are woven throughout this research to illuminate specific choices made in my work, such as the use of animation and playful aesthetics.


NOTE TO THE READER: Sexual assault does not only happen to one gender; it happens to people of many identities and from many backgrounds. Violence is a theme in my art practice because it has been a theme in my life and in my life, sexual assault has been exclusively gendered. For this reason, my work and research focus on the specific and prevalent power dynamic of men sexually abusing women and how this behavior is continually perpetuated.


© The Author

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VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

