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Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Computer Science

First Advisor

Tomasz Arodz


Quantum computing is an interdisciplinary field at the intersection of computer science, mathematics, and physics that studies information processing tasks on a quantum computer. A quantum computer is a device whose operations are governed by the laws of quantum mechanics. As building quantum computers is nearing the era of commercialization and quantum supremacy, it is essential to think of potential applications that we might benefit from. Among many applications of quantum computation, one of the emerging fields is quantum machine learning. We focus on predictive models for binary classification and variants of Support Vector Machines that we expect to be especially important when training data becomes so large that a quantum algorithm with a guaranteed speedup becomes useful. We present a quantum machine learning algorithm for training Sparse Support Vector Machine for problems with large datasets that require a sparse solution. We also present the first quantum semi-supervised algorithm, where we still have a large dataset, but only a small fraction is provided with labels. While the availability of data for training machine learning models is steadily increasing, oftentimes it is much easier to collect feature vectors to obtain the corresponding labels. Here, we present a quantum machine learning algorithm for training Semi-Supervised Kernel Support Vector Machines. The algorithm uses recent advances in quantum sample-based Hamiltonian simulation to extend the existing Quantum LS-SVM algorithm to handle the semi-supervised term in the loss while maintaining the same quantum speedup as the Quantum LS-SVM.


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VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

