"Mobile-Based Contingency Management to Promote Daily Self-Monitoring o" by Kathryn Polak`



Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



First Advisor

Dace Svikis, PhD


Between 11% and 40% of the US population experience chronic pain. One promising pain management solution is remote self-monitoring. Unfortunately, low rates of adherence have impeded the use of remote self-monitoring among chronic pain patients. One robust strategy for improving adherence is contingency management (CM). This project pilot tested a fully-automated CM app (DynamiCare Rewards) programmed with an escalating variable-ratio reinforcement schedule for promoting daily self-monitoring of pain symptom severity, related variables (e.g., sleep), and prescription opioid use over a 28-day period in a sample of individuals with chronic pain. A pilot RCT compared participants randomized to CM (n=46) or control (Co; n=35) groups. Assessments occurred at baseline and post-self-monitoring period. Feasibility, acceptability, and accuracy of prescription opioid and alcohol use reporting were examined. Compared to Co participants, CM participants completed significantly more daily self-monitoring surveys (23.06 vs 26.09; d=.56; p=.03) and had significantly longer sustained periods of daily self-monitoring survey completion (17.11 vs 22.07; d=.58; p=.01). Effect sizes were used to determine the sample size needed as part of the design of a larger RCT. All associations between daily self-monitoring and follow-up alcohol and prescription opioid use frequency data were very strong (all p


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