Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



First Advisor

Valerie Robnolt, PhD


Over the last two decades, 1:1 initiatives, in which each child in a school building is provided a school-issued device, have increased dramatically around the world. However, the outcomes of such programs are not always clear and studies regarding 1:1 one programs have found mixed results. It is important to ensure that1:1 initiatives are equitable and do not perpetuate the digital divide. Many studies exist that examine use of 1:1 devices in schools from a teacher or student perspective. However, only a few studies examine the experience of 1:1 initiatives from a parent perspective and also focus on equity. The purpose of this mixed methods study was to explore parents’ perspectives about their child’s use of school-issued devices for learning and completion of schoolwork in school and at home. The setting for this study was a rural school district in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States, which began implementing a 1:1 initiative several years ago. An online survey comprised of demographic questions, Likert-scale items and open-ended response was utilized to collect information regarding parents’ feelings about the devices. Results of the study find that parents are generally positive regarding the devices and feel they are important for their child’s learning, but parents still have some concerns. This study also found that access to reliable, high-speed internet is still a barrier in this rural community.


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VCU Theses and Dissertations

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