"Improving College Students’ Views and Beliefs Relative to Mathematics:" by Marquita H. Sea



Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



First Advisor

Dr. Christine L. Bae

Second Advisor

Dr. Sharon Zumbrunn

Third Advisor

Dr. Rani Satyam

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Kurt Stemhagen


Mathematics is particularly important due to its relevance in our daily lives. It is a general requirement throughout schooling. Unfortunately, many students openly declare negative views/beliefs regarding math in their personal and academic lives. These in turn, negatively influence students’ achievement related behaviors and outcomes. First, a systematic literature review was conducted to determine what types of studies/initiatives have aimed to enhance students’ views/beliefs relative to mathematics, including domain general and specific perceptions of math as well as their judgements of who is successful in mathematics and if they themselves can be successful. Specifically, the review centered on the components of interventions, curriculum, and instruction aimed at improving college students’ views of mathematics. The literature review findings point to several promising strategies to inform future research and practice. Next, a multiple case study mixed-method explanatory sequential design was employed in which community college students’ math attitudes, self-efficacy, and values were quantitatively measured and followed by qualitative exploration. Quantitative survey data was collected and analyzed to identify patterns in student’s math attitudes, self-efficacy, and values across gender and race. Qualitative interviews were then conducted with a purposefully sampled subset of community college students that represent membership in the groups identified. These interviews provided in-depth descriptions of community college students’ current math attitudes, beliefs, and values, inclusive of past and current experiences they perceive to influence their math attitudes, beliefs, and values. Students’ beliefs about how educators can support and improve their attitudes, beliefs, and values surrounding mathematics were also provided.


© The Author

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VCU University Archives

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VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

