Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts


Dean's Office Qatar

First Advisor

Mohammad Suleiman

Second Advisor

Joshua Rodenberg

Third Advisor

Byrad Yyelland


Historically, the mosque was not only a space for a communal prayer but also a place for building a community. Today, however, with conflicts and diseases fragmenting society, people are less able to gather physically in large spaces. Out of necessity, people rely on technology to get together and interact virtually. In this context, my research challenges the notion of the mosque as a physical space, proposing, instead, its extension into virtual space. Recent global events pose the question: Can the metaverse offer an opportunity for the mosque to reassert itself as a public space. I propose that a MetaMosque can facilitate vital, spiritual and communal functions—similar to a physical mosque—creating a sense of belonging and unity across social and physical boundaries. Rather than replacing the traditional mosque's capabilities, the MetaMosque attempts to extend them, forming a virtual public space and encouraging a more accessible and inclusive virtual society.


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VCU Theses and Dissertations

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