Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts


Interior Design

First Advisor

Kristin Carleton

Second Advisor

Roberto Ventura

Third Advisor

Dr. Sara Reed

Fourth Advisor

Camden Whitehead

Fifth Advisor

Alexis Holcombe

Sixth Advisor

Emily Smith


This study focuses on the stabilization and revitalization of two Historic Districts, in the City of Hopewell, Virginia. With artists as first stage revitalizers, an emphasis was put on bringing the arts to the area. Four vacant buildings in these districts were reinvented rather than removed. Three of the buildings are located in close proximity in the historic neighborhood of City Point. These vacant buildings, a church, a school, and a tavern, are destabilizing factors in a residential area. Focus was placed on the repurposing and modernization of the three buildings for today’s living, as artists' homes. Reuse of the buildings preserves history and place, while establishing a modern aesthetic and design purpose for today’s residential needs. Each residence exhibits the merging of home and work environments for artists. The fourth building, while still within walking distance of the other three buildings, is located on the heart of the main street, E. Broadway Ave. It is a companion building to the three artists' homes, as a gallery and retail space for art sales. This building is part of the second stage revitalization of the main street of The Downtown Historic District. It is an access point for the public, to the art produced by the local artists, will increase foot traffic in the downtown area, and will encourage cultural exchange, to have an end goal of reinvigorating the area.


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VCU University Archives

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VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

