"Holler: An Exploration of Appalachian Performativity" by David Powell



Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts



First Advisor

Dr Keith Byron Kirk

Second Advisor

Dr. Jesse Njus

Third Advisor

Dr. Aaron Anderson


Holler: An Appatragedy is a play written in order to indict, examine and contemplate the toxic ideals of Appalachian culture. The play and the following in-depth character analysis are meant to portray a quartet of siblings who have been abandoned by their parents due to undisclosed issues (potentially addiction or mental health issues) and left to be cared for by their grandparents.

Throughout the events of the play, the culture is questioned as the elder siblings return from their lives outside Appalachia to attend the grandmother’s funeral, colliding with their brother and scheming to help their youngest brother escape from Appalachia’s grip before it can imprison him for good. The characters are symbolist whereas the setting is expressionistic in nature, specifically the dilapidated nature of the home and its parallels to the dilapidated nature of the familial relationship. The siblings are further inconvenienced by a snowstorm, left with no electricity or heat to fight against the ever-growing frigidity of the outside world (in more ways than one).


© The Author

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VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

