Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



First Advisor

Dr. Cecelia Valrie


Youth participation in Shared Decision Making (SDM) is still a novel clinical practice with unique considerations. Moreover, though SDM has been touted as an effective model for patient-centered care it has largely been underutilized and under-researched in Black and Latinx adolescent populations. The current study examined the association of health factors that may relate to Black and Latinx adolescents, their families, and HCPs engaging in SDM. Specifically, I examined within-group racial differences in relation to health conditions (i.e., pain, obesity, mental health status) and SDM during adolescence. Measures of adolescent chronic pain, BMI status (overweight/obese), mental health symptoms (depression/anxiety), SDM (caregiver-HCP SDM and inclusive SDM) were completed by caregivers. There were a total of 3,856 caregivers who completed the survey including 1,465 caregivers of Black adolescents and 2,391 caregivers of Latinx adolescents. Independent samples t-tests indicated Black youth who experienced chronic pain and/or mental health symptoms had lower scores of SDM. In addition, Latinx youth who experienced chronic pain, who were overweight/obese, or had mental health symptoms experienced lower scores of SDM than their peers. Results highlight a need for future research to focus on risk factors that negatively impact the inclusion of Black and Latinx youth in SDM.


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VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

