Author ORCID Identifier

Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Special Education

First Advisor

Dr. Yaoying Xu

Second Advisor

Dr. Jason Chow


In this dissertation, I conducted a multiple-probe-across-participants design to examine the impact of a video-based intervention on interview skills of youth with autism. First, I conducted a systematic literature review of interview interventions. Results were used to guide the development of this study’s measure and procedures. Finding that previous literature relied on rubric measures to rate interview skill behaviors, I developed and piloted a primary measure for examining direct speech production. Using transcripts and video analysis, this study captures the construct of interview skills using both quantity (frequency of relevant/irrelevant c-units) and quality (interview skills rubric score). The intervention consisted of direct instruction, video modeling, self-video modeling, self-reflection, and role play. I recruited four youths with autism and incorporated their career aspirations to individualize the intervention and provide greater incentive. Additionally, I recruited two local business owners in the participants chosen field (i.e., the food industry) to interview participants during the generalization session. Results demonstrate a functional relation between the introduction of the intervention package and increases in interview skills. The three participants who agreed to participate in the generalization interview maintained interview skills with local business owners. Results from this study add scientific knowledge on systematically scoring direct speech production and highlight the importance of individualizing interview interventions. I conclude by discussing future research and the implications of these findings for practice and policy.


© Kelsey T Dunn

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VCU University Archives

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VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

