Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Media, Art, and Text

First Advisor

Jeanine Guidry


Background. In Saudi Arabia, breast cancer mortality is a public health concern where females often discover breast cancer at an advanced stage due to ignoring preventative testing such as mammography. While increasing mammography awareness is essential in Saudi Arabia, almost nothing is known about the effectiveness of health communication messages in mammography's context. This research tested whether exposure to Entertainment-Education (E-E) message or educational infographic messages would influence Saudi females' intentions to get mammography.

Method. This research relied on a randomized control trial among n=240 Saudi females older than 40. Respondents were randomly assigned to watch YouTube E-E message or read educational infographic messages. The control group was not exposed to any preventative messages. All participants in the three arms received one validated questionnaire that measured the constructs of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) (i.e., attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control) and issue involvement.

Results. Hierarchical regression revealed that females' intent to get mammography was associated with those who watched the E-E message and had a positive attitude, norms, control, and involvement. Moreover, females' intent to get a mammogram was associated with females who got a mammogram in the past, at younger ages, without a family history of breast cancer in their mothers.

Conclusion. The findings explain what Saudi health communication professionals should consider when designing mammography educational messages for Saudi females. However, to reduce breast cancer mortality in the future, it is essential to increase health communication campaigns and assess its impacts on females' screening decisions.


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