Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



First Advisor

Joan A Rhodes


This qualitative study introduced a theoretical framework of Religiously Responsive Pedagogy (RRP) and explored the ways in which RRP is enacted in Christian schools, along with the barriers and supports that may exist for effective RRP within those schools. The study investigated PK-12 faculty perceptions of faith integration, responsiveness to students, and school support in order to develop this new framework. Twelve teachers participated in a semi-structured interview via Zoom, which included four scenarios to probe teacher perspectives on RRP. The data was coded recursively using Boeije’s (2002) constant-comparative method.

The primary research questions addressed were:

  • How do teachers at Christian schools perceive the role that faith integration plays in their instruction?

  • To what extent, if any, do teachers at Christian schools describe responsiveness to students’ religious beliefs in faith integration practices?

  • In what ways, if any, do Christian schools support Religiously Responsive Pedagogy in the classroom?

Findings from this study include five distinct themes: biblical worldview instruction, character development, responsiveness to students, the value of relationships, and supports and challenges that exist for teachers. This study has discovered a strong theme of biblical worldview instruction that goes beyond the integration and unifies faith and learning in worldview education. This finding supports the value of character and leadership development by modeling a biblical worldview in the classroom, mentoring and discipling students, and facing the current challenges of our world to promote unity and Christlike love.

Finally, this study showed that participants demonstrated varied levels of responsiveness in all five potential indicators of RRP. However, the study supported the RRP framework by highlighting the importance of relationships in the teaching and learning process and the value of responsiveness to student perspectives and other worldviews. The study concluded with five recommendations for Christian school leaders and ACSI leaders to further support faculty and student development through RRP.


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VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

