Defense Date
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
First Advisor
Dr. James R. Lance
The purpose of this study was evaluate the interobserver reliability of endodontists in the diagnosis the presence or absence of pulpal and/or periradicular disease. The study used 47 patients presenting to the VCU School of Dentistry for screening appointments as a test population under the rules and regulations of the VCU IRB. The patients were examined separately by two endodontists, using a thorough patient history, clinical exam, and radiographs. The answer to the question was then answered, does the patient have pulpal and/or periradicular disease, and compared. The data was analyzed using Kappa and the standard error was determined to test for statistical significance. Observers agreed 88% of the time with a Kappa of 0.74. This was determined to represent a bona fide reliability with p<.0001. The results indicate that agreement among endodontists is very good when patients are evaluated for pulpal and/or periradicular disease.
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VCU University Archives
Is Part Of
VCU Theses and Dissertations
Date of Submission
June 2008