Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts


Painting and Printmaking

First Advisor

Noah Simblist

Second Advisor

Hilary Wilder

Third Advisor

Holly J Morrison


“I’m not sure it was a Hoopoe or a Decanter” explores the experience of cultural displacement through the lens of an Iranian artist and immigrant. Drawing on ancient Iranian stories, Persian poetry, and cultural artifacts, my paintings and drawings reflect the uncertainty of the contemporary political and religious conditions in Iran, as well as the challenges faced by individuals forced to flee their homeland due to war, political instability, and social conditions. My work weaves references to ancient Iranian objects, Persian miniatures' structural forms and patterns, and Islamic architecture, using traditional and contemporary materials to create large, unconventional paintings. Through the visual tension created by the displacement of ancient relics and Persian motifs, I express the complexity of my immigration story, which is simultaneously a mixture of belonging and non-belonging. This thesis provides insights into the exploration and acceptance of personal experiences of displacement and the search for identity through Iranian art.


© The Author

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VCU University Archives

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VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission


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Fine Arts Commons
