Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Interior Design

First Advisor

Roberto Ventura

Second Advisor

Kristin Carleton

Third Advisor

Jordan Brown


On average, school-age children spend more time in the classroom environment than they do at home. Why not provide environments that stimulate children’s curiosity to learn through visual arts? Including visual arts in educational programs can enhance students’ cognitive development, problem-solving abilities, cultural awareness, and critical thinking skills.

As someone who has attended various public schools in Florida, I’ve found that incorporating arts education into the curriculum can enhance students’ overall engagement with learning. Unfortunately, many students lack access to arts education due to a lack of funding and resources. Traditionally, the arts have been viewed as an opportunity for creative expression and separated from “real” learning like math, science, and English.

However, multiple case studies have shown that incorporating visual arts into education can lead to better learning outcomes. For example, one compelling program called MASE integrates visual arts with geometry, allowing students to creatively solve problems while learning about both topics.

Therefore, I propose designing an elementary school that prioritizes arts education in its curriculum. The first five years of a child’s development are crucial, providing a foundation for social-emotional and physical development. Children are tactile learners, and research has shown that the number of tactile receptors in the fingertips gradually decreases after the age of ten. By designing a space that prioritizes the arts, students will appreciate the benefits of creativity in their education.

Activities like drawing, painting, and working with ceramics provide effective methods of communication for children. They allow children to express their opinions and beliefs to adults using visual media. Additionally, these activities help children connect what they learn to various contexts, make connections with prior knowledge and everyday experiences, and acquire new knowledge in more meaningful ways.

In conclusion, incorporating visual arts into education can have significant benefits for students. By prioritizing arts education in a school’s curriculum, we can help students develop crucial skills while encouraging creativity and self-expression.


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VCU Theses and Dissertations

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