Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts


Interior Design

First Advisor

Roberto Ventura

Second Advisor

Kristin Carleton

Third Advisor

Laura Battaglia


Can society learn from art, and if so, what type of knowledge can be gained from art? It is currently understood that art and design can help humans explore, discover, and understand philosophical and imaginative topics. There is a general agreement that art can create insight and awareness in ways that logical and rational statements cannot, and from these unique interactions, humans can see the world with a new perspective (Worth, n.d.). This thesis will investigate the claim that art can inspire human imagination and allow viewers to gain insight into a surreal reality using designed, physically immersive spaces.

Immersive art environments have the potential to make art-related interactions increasingly influential and meaningful. With the aid of new technologies, immersive art museums have strengthened the relationship between the audience, the work, and the artist by creating a deeper level of conceptual understanding and disrupting the border between them. These highly sensory experiences push viewers to explore a space thoughtfully, making it possible for guests to become active participants or even co-creators in immersive artworks. This new method of presentation allows an audience to fully experience the narrative of the artist (Hua, 2021).

Literature reviews of immersive spaces will provide an understanding of how to design an effective art experience that will be interactive and educational. A second method of investigation will involve attending ongoing digital art installations, presenting an opportunity to analyze and document movements throughout space, the emotions evoked by the work, and interactions between participants.

Immersive experiences aim to dismiss the physical and mental borders between viewers and works of art, engaging an audience’s sense of sight, sound, and touch. After a visit to ARTECHOUSE, one can understand that immersive art galleries also provide the benefit of transporting their visitors to a world that greatly differs from physical reality. In this new “world” guests are free from physical borders and can develop a new spatial awareness that makes users feel as though spaces extend past their physical areas. This deeply sensory experience makes it easier for visitors to absorb and retain knowledge from the content of the experience itself (Hua, 2021).

The research conducted on immersive art environments, and their ability to impact humans and society as a whole, will drive the design of a new immersive art space. This immersive art space will inspire imagination and new ways of thinking.


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VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

