Author ORCID Identifier

Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

First Advisor

Massimo Bertino


As lithium ion (Li-Ion) cell capacities have increased over the last several years, their usage in mainstream devices have become more common, from computers to cars, and even walls. With their increase in usage and capacity, the number of recorded incidents related to fires, property destruction, and even death being traced back to Li-Ion cells have also begun to rise. Because of this, methods to prevent or mitigate the often-dangerous effects of a thermal runaway event (TRE) have become an important research focus. Thermal insulation of the TRE is one method being researched. This includes novel materials, such as aerogels, known for their thermally insulating properties. Additionally, the ability for phase change materials (PCM) to absorb heat and reduce rising temperatures makes them another promising material to use in Li-Ion applications. Several commercial entities have already begun marketing the use of PCM as heat sinks. With the potential applications of these technologies, this research seeks to develop an aerogel-phase change material (a-PCM) composite that can prevent or mitigate thermal runaway event (TRE) propagation between cells during shipment.


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VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission


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