"Gustav Stickley's Hapke-Geiger House and Noland and Baskervill's Hunto" by Victoria Katsuko Carter



Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Art History

First Advisor

Dr. Charles Brownell

Second Advisor

Dr. James Farmer


Textbooks teach architecture as conveniently divided into styles and periods, but in reality styles overlap. At the turn-of-the-twentieth century there were three major architectural and decorative movements in the United States: the Aesthetic Movement, the Arts and Crafts Movement, and the American Renaissance Movement. This thesis shows how superficial stylistic labels can be by comparing two very different-seeming houses of the early twentieth century: The Hapke-Geiger House of ca. 1912 in Chesterfield, Virginia, based on a Gustav Stickley Arts and Crafts design, and the Hunton House of 19 14 in Richmond, Virginia, designed in the American Renaissance style by Noland and Baskervill. These homes are very different from one another, but they have three major similarities: They each use an established plan with no essential connection to the building's supposed style, they mix styles, and they have similar kinds of porches. This thesis will pursue these issues to go beyond the superficial stylistic labels and examine how the three major movements of the time are interrelated.


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VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

June 2008
