Defense Date
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Fine Arts
Painting and Printmaking
First Advisor
Jacob Broussard
Second Advisor
Noah Simblist
Third Advisor
Hilary Wilder
Fourth Advisor
Hope Ginsburg
I paint imagined scenes that investigate the imbalances of power within patriarchal relationships of men and women, informed by the residue of my own memory, experiences, and cultural portrayals in film, art history, and popular culture.
Through painting, I engage bodily forms and capture moments from everyday life, layered with erratic sensations which move through my own symbolization process. I see this process as a deconstruction and rearticulation of meaning embedded within familiar encounters, often domestic scenes. Painting becomes a place where imagination is given room to create alternatives that counteract what is, while acknowledging the persistence of inherited relations—allowing me to hold personal and fictional narratives closely together.
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VCU Theses and Dissertations
Date of Submission