Author ORCID Identifier
Defense Date
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Special Education
First Advisor
Colleen Thoma
Second Advisor
Meera Mehtaji
Third Advisor
Kimberly Avila
Fourth Advisor
Christine Bae
The purpose of my dissertation is to obtain a national program review of literary braille instruction in Personnel Preparation Programs (PPP) within the United States. The review will help gain a deeper understanding of how pre-service teachers of the blind and visually impaired are prepared to teach literacy to students who are braille readers. A convergent parallel mixed methods design was used for this study. I collected data in parallel, analyzed the data separately, then merged to address the research questions (Creswell, 2018). I used both qualitative and quantitative methods equally. Descriptive data was reported to answer the research questions from the 37 PPP websites. Additionally, a content analysis of course syllabi and course descriptions of braille course work from contributing PPPs was used. I integrated deductive coding of the qualitative data. By analyzing both the provided syllabi and the required hours, I ascertained a well-rounded picture of how braille skills and literacy pedagogy are being taught to preservice teachers of the visually impaired. Three manuscripts were prepared from the data including: (a) a scoping literature review on braille reading interventions, (b) an analysis of PPPs, and (c) a content analysis of the learning objectives from course syllabi.
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VCU Theses and Dissertations
Date of Submission