Defense Date


Document Type



Kinetic Imaging

First Advisor

Semi Ryu

Second Advisor

Kate Sicchio

Third Advisor

Dean Moss

Fourth Advisor

J Molina-Garcia


Expect is a speculative documentary filmed in Virtual Reality (VR) that features Chinese actors with disabilities to explore, challenge and reimagine the conventional ableist Sci-Fi tropes and the transhumanistic tendency to “fix” or eradicate disabilities through technological enhancement. I invited people with disabilities who are interested in Sci-Fi to do a Role-Playing with me in Virtual Reality (VR), in which they imagine themselves to be living in a future civilization, an alien planet, or an alternate universe. The participants came up with their own fictional characters and built their own world views. I interacted with them by asking questions and responding accordingly. The final film, Expect, is weaved together with the actual life stories of the actors, the fictional Role-Playing narrative, and behind the scenes of VR filmmaking; the film reveals the paradox in the “technological cure” as well as the dilemmas and difficulty on the path of reaching the all accessible social ideal. This thesis examined different models of disabilities, how they are played out in classic Sci-Fi narratives, the use of Role-Playing, VR and “invisible object” in the filmmaking process, and the content of film.


© The Author

Is Part Of

VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission


Available for download on Thursday, May 08, 2025
