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Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



First Advisor

Ka Un Lao


The routine use of highly accurate computational chemistry methods is impeded by their inherent computational cost. Consequently, large-scale investigations or computations involving large systems often necessitate more computationally efficient methods, at the expense of accuracy. To achieve a more desirable trade-off between computational cost and accuracy, we leverage recent advancements in machine learning to integrate electronic structure theory methods with machine learning models. Long-range corrected (LRC) or range-separated (RS) density functionals with correct asymptotic behavior have a propensity to diminish both the delocalization and localization errors where the length of the range-separation is determined by the range-separation parameter, which is traditionally tuned non empirically. The tuning procedure typically necessitates a series of SCF calculations, preventing the applications of these methods to large systems. A machine learning model is developed to bypass the ab initio system-specific tuning procedure. The new method, LRC-wPBE(wgddML) is used to predict polarizabilities for a series of oligomers and surpasses the performance of all other popular density functionals, where polarizabilities are sensitive to the asymptotic density decay and are crucial in a variety of applications including the calculations of widely-used dispersion corrections and refractive index. In addition, $\Delta$-machine learning (ML) models are trained based on newly developed intermolecular features, which are derived from intermolecular histograms of distances for element/substructure pairs and rely solely on Cartesian coordinates, to simultaneously account for local environments as well as long-range correlations, are also developed to address deficiencies of the D3/MBD models, including the inflexibility of their functional forms, the absence of many-body dispersion contributions in D3, and the standard Hirshfeld partitioning scheme used in MBD. Then, we utilize our recently developed machine learning corrected ab initio dispersion (aiD) potential, coined D3-ML, to address the dispersion deficiencies in second-order Moller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) by replacing its problematic dispersion and exchange-dispersion terms with D3-ML. This leads to the development of a new dispersion-corrected MP2 method, MP2+aiD(CCD), which outperforms other spin-component-scaled and dispersion-corrected MP2 methods as well as popular ML models for predicting noncovalent interactions on diverse dataset and large systems.


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VCU University Archives

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VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission


Available for download on Tuesday, May 08, 2029
