Defense Date


Document Type




First Advisor

SJ Sindu

Second Advisor

Gretchen Comba

Third Advisor

Paul Robertson


When most of the continental United States is engulfed in catastrophic wildfires, Brent attempts to survive with his partner, Wesley, in the remnants of a town outside of Chattanooga. Working as a nurse in a collapsing hospital, Brent and Wesley must find the means to survive in a world ravaged by widespread wildfires and a an overly authoritative Fire Patrol. Brent’s long missing, presumed dead husband Harlow, is stranded with the dying man who saved him and the man’s niece, Nita, they struggle to survive inside a refugee camp that has run out of food, water, and medical supplies. When Harlow and Nita miss the chance to escape the camp they embark on a dangerous journey through the demilitarized, and lawless Buffer Zones in hopes of finding civilization and a reunion with Brent.


© The Author

Is Part Of

VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission


Available for download on Thursday, May 06, 2224

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Fiction Commons
