Defense Date
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
First Advisor
Dr. Everett E. Carpenter
Microstructure is the basis for all metallic material’s mechanical properties. Additive manufacturing of metals has been noted to change physical properties such as elasticity, resistance, and hardness through microstructure manipulation. As such, additive manufacturing has shown promise for metal component manufacturing, potentially improving the microstructure and physical properties. Through manipulating microstructure, researchers are looking to develop a faster way to create materials capable of replacing harder-to-acquire critical resources for green energy infrastructure. Using CuNi alloy single-line deposits to understand the impacts of additive manufacturing on microstructures, we look to prove potential improvements for physical properties. Through additive manufacturing, initial results show good homogeneity but partial phase loss due to the development of nickel inclusions. These inclusions were more prevalent in samples at slower print speeds or with excessive material deposition rates. AM CuNi samples show improvement with moderate deposition rates, giving way to fewer inclusions, better homogeneity, and improvement of the overall microstructure and the sample's physical properties. Instrumental analysis methods indicate better grain growth and homogeneity with prolonged laser contact, though the potential for other physical deformities rises.
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