Author ORCID Identifier

Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



First Advisor

Hillary Parkhouse

Second Advisor

Kurt Stemhagen

Third Advisor

Rani Satyam

Fourth Advisor

Moe Greene


Given that math achievement can profoundly shape students' educational and career pathways, providing culturally responsive, equitable instructional practices is essential. For MLs, whose educational needs often include linguistic and cultural considerations, traditional approaches to math instruction may limit their access and engagement with the material. Using qualitative content analysis, this study examined the alignment between the VDOE Standards of Learning for Mathematics and Visual Arts and the WIDA Framework to identify integration opportunities that could enhance instruction for MLs. In particular, the study assessed how incorporating visual arts strategies like drawing, modeling, and visual data representation can support MLs in math. Consequently, an evaluation of alignment potential (HP) between math and visual arts standards indicated a high possibility for visual art integration. Moreover, guided by third space theory and the framework of hybridity, this research sought to provide evidence of how an interdisciplinary, arts-integrated approach to math, aligned with WIDA standards, can improve MLs' access to rigorous academic content. The study also provided a list of HP math activities for sixth grade that align with the WIDA standards. Lastly, by addressing educational equity and social justice, the study offered insights into enhancing culturally and linguistically responsive teaching practices that recognize and leverage the diverse backgrounds of MLs.


© The Author

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VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission


Available for download on Wednesday, December 09, 2026
