"The Effect of Media Advertising on Consumer Perception of Orthodontic " by Daenya T. Edwards



Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

Dr. Bhavna Shroff


A survey instrument was designed to evaluate factors influencing consumer selection of an orthodontist and consumer perception of different forms of media advertising (radio, television, newspaper, magazine, direct mail, and billboard) by orthodontic practices. The surveys were distributed by 8 orthodontic offices in and around the Richmond, Virginia area. Out of 676 surveys, 655 (97%) were returned. Respondents most often cited dentist and patient referrals as how they learned of the orthodontic practices they visited (50%- 57%). However, a caring attitude and good practitioner reputation were cited as the top reasons influencing selection of an orthodontist (53% and 49% respectively). Fourteen percent to 24% of respondents felt that advertising orthodontists would offer a lower quality of care than non-advertising orthodontists. Newspaper, magazine, and direct mail advertisements were viewed more favorably than radio, television and billboard advertisements. Chi-square analyses revealed few statistically significant differences in perception between different income and education groups.


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VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

June 2008
