"Alternative Orthodontic Bonding Protocol Using Self Etching Primer" by Rush-Baker Gaines Caldwell



Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

Dr. Eser Tüfekç


The purpose of the current study was to develop a bonding method that can achieve clinically acceptable bond strength values while leaving a minimum amount of adhesive on the tooth surface during the debonding process. One hundred teeth were randomly assigned into groups. Five different enamel surface preparation protocols were tested (N = 20, each): Conventional acid etch, standard SEP, SEP applied with a light brush stroke (altered SEP 1), SEP applied directly to the composite of pre-coated bracket (altered SEP 2), and Primer Only groups. Brackets were debonded using an Instron universal testing machine (Instron, Canton, MA) in shear mode and the mean shear bond strength values were calculated. In addition, enamel surfaces were examined under light microscope to determine the location of failure using ARI. The Primer Only group had significantly lower mean shear strength (0.14 MPa, P0.05). With respect to ARI values, there was a significant difference among these four groups. 85% of samples in the altered SEP 2 group had 10% or less composite resin left on their surfaces. This group had also a mean shear bond strength value of 11.43 MPa, significantly above the minimal strength needed for orthodontic attachment bonding, and the lowest ARI values overall. Therefore, application of SEP directly to the composite resin of the pre-coated brackets may be an ideal bonding method by providing adequate bond strength and leaving a minimum amount of composite resin on the tooth surface during debonding. It should be kept in mind that future in-vivo studies would be needed to confirm the findings obtained from the current in-vitro study.


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VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

June 2008
