"Design, Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of an Impedimetric Urea" by Vandana Gupta



Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Chemical Engineering

First Advisor

Dr. Anthony Guiseppi


An impedance bioanalyzer system comprising an in-vitro biotransducer, instrumentation and control software for the measurement of urea, potentially in blood dialysate, has been developed. The biotransducer comprises of a microlithographically fabricated interdigitated microsensor electrode (IME) onto which was cast a biorecognition layer conferred with the specificity of the enzyme urease. Urease hydrolysis of urea produces NH4+, HC03- and OH- ions that decrease the device's impedance. The temporal rate of change (kinetic) and the extent of change (equilibrium) of ion concentration were measured as the sensor's response. Five formats: [i) unPEGylated urease-containing poly(hydroxyethylmethacrylate) [p(HEMA)] hydrogel, ii) PEGylated urease-containing p(HEMA) hydrogel, iii) via glutaraldehyde crosslinking in the presence of albumin, iv) the direct covalent immobilization of urease to the IME, and v) solution borne urease]. Michaelis-Menten parameters KM, ZMAX and kcat revealed the following rank: PEGylated urease-Gel >> Free Urease > unPEGylated urease-Gel = BSA in Glutaraldehyde > covalently immobilized urease. The unPEGylated-urease sensor provided a higher enzyrne- substrate binding rate and catalysis rate than PEGylated and thus provided a faster impedimetric response to various molar concentrations of urea. Long-term stability (one month) of the PEGylated-urease hydrogel was favorable. A dedicated three-element array impedimetric instrument, the 3EIC BioAnalyzer was designed and produced. A pair of demodulating logarithmic amplifiers (AD8302) was used to calculate the change in phase and amplitude corresponding to the impedimetric response to a 4.0 kHz, 50 mVPP sine wave from a function generator (MAX038). A graphic user interface (GUI), programmed in LabVIEW 7.0 established instrument control, data acquisition via a USB-48A-30A16 μDAQ and graphical data presentation of temporal impedimetric responses.


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VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

June 2008
