Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Social Work, Ph.D.

First Advisor

Dr. Marilyn A. Biggerstaff


The current study used a longitudinal design to evaluate a day treatment program for children with serious emotional disorder located in Richmond, Virginia (N = 101). Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (Hodges, 1984, 1999) results were analyzed from children who had attended the program for at least six months. Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance tests indicated that children attending YDT for nine months improved their overall functioning F(2, 217) = 26.23, p = .01 as well as their functioning at school F(3,279)= 10.822, p =.01, home F(3, 244) = 6.120, p = .01, and in the community F(3, 238) = 4.158, p =.01. In addition, children improved their thinking F(2, 232) = 5.595, p = .01, behavior toward others F(3, 279)= 24.230, p = .01 and decreased the amount of self-harm F(1, 121) = 7.546, p =.01. Children began YDT with an average total CAFAS score of score of 85.90; however, after nine months of treatment, children dropped 20.40 points to an average CAFAS score of 65.50 points. Results indicate that even the most functionally impaired children in the sample demonstrated some level of improvement. Implications for social work micro and macro practice are included.


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VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

June 2008

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Social Work Commons
