This work is part of a retrospective collection of 179 electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) from the VCU Libraries pilot ETD system that were designated as available only to VCU users. Please contact us at if you have questions or if you are the author of one of these and would like to release it for online public access.
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Defense Date
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Fine Arts
Photography & Film
First Advisor
Paul Thulin
The thesis exhibit installed at VCU's Anderson Gallery was carried out using still imagery (a photograph), moving imagery (recorded video, live video), constructed objects and a delineated space. It was an experiment dealing with how one comes to know the world by virtue of one's physical activity within it. It was most importantly a work that required the viewer's participation in order to become "complete".
© The Author
Is Part Of
VCU University Archives
Is Part Of
VCU Theses and Dissertations
Date of Submission
June 2008
Part of Retrospective ETD Collection, restricted to VCU only.