A photographic print of seventeen individuals, Girl Scout leaders, standing outdoors with a building behind them. They stand in two rows. All appear to be white. Typed and printed on back: "Richmond Girl Scout leaders at Roanoke- A group of leaders in richmond Girl Scouting attended the twenty first annual regional conference which ended yesterday at Roanoke, Front row, left to right, Miss Ida Saunders, Miss Lucy Roller, first deputy commissioner; Mrs. Stuart McGuire, member of the national board; Miss Anona Moeser, director: Miss Alma Lester, Miss Ruth Harris, field advisor; Mrs. N.O Wash and Mrs. Elizabeth Smith. Back row, Mrs. Charles Fentress, Mrs. E.C Upshure, Mrs. A.J. Moore, Mrs. J.W. Meredith, Mrs. H. laurie Smith, commissioner; Mrs. Gerald Wise, Mrs. M. B. Kinnikin, Mrs. P.G. Cosby, Mrs. W.A Radspinner."
Topical Subject
Girl Scouts; Meetings
black-and-white photographs
Local Genre
Still Image
Digital Format
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This material is protected by copyright, and the copyright is held by the Commonwealth Council of the Girl Scouts of Virginia. You are permitted to use this material in any way that is permitted by copyright. In addition, this material is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Acknowledgment of Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries as a source is required.
Commonwealth Council of the Girl Scouts of Virginia
Richmond Girl Scout Leaders at Roanoke, Commonwealth Council of the Girl Scouts of Virginia records, M 400, Special Collections and Archives, James Branch Cabell Library, Virginia Commonwealth University.
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