Document Type


Original Publication Date


Date of Submission

May 2016


• Triplatin and Triplatin NC suppressed cell growth of both Breast Cancer and Pancreatic Cancer in a dose dependent manner in vitro.

• Both Triplatin and TriplatinNC demonstrated growth suppression of the primary breast tumor. A single animal (in the TriplatinNCgroup) was sacrificed due to weight loss.

• In the advanced ex vivo lung metastasis model our most striking results were observed, where the agents nearly prohibited lung metastasis from occurring.

• In the pancreatic cancer peritoneal carcinomatosis model, Triplatin reduced total tumor burden. Mouse survival was significantlyenhanced by the Triplatin treatment group and no mouse developed weight loss more than 25% of body weight.

• The new platinum compounds with less cytotoxicity and favorable pharmacokinetics warrant further investigation to determine their role in advanced metastatic breast cancer and pancreatic carcinomatosis.

Is Part Of

VCU School of Medicine MD Student Summer Research Fellowship Program Posters
