Leadership Book Reviews - VCU Scholars Compass - Virginia Commonwealth University | Dept. of Management and Entrepreneurship | Virginia Commonwealth University
The students of the Spring 2016 Semester MGMT 641 Organizational Leadership and Project Team Management were required as part of the course fulfillment to select a leadership book of their choice and create an academic book review using a prescribed format. This assignment was created for two purposes. One purpose was to respond to the need for high-quality book reviews of the plethora of leadership books in the marketplace which possess few mechanisms to assess the academic quality for potential readers. Secondly, with increased academic interest in leadership topics, having high-quality book reviews that are accessible to those who purchase, teach, and research leadership topics will fill an important void in the academy. The following pages include some of the reviews that were submitted for this project. I hope that readers will not only benefit from the products of this assignment, but also give credit to the students for their high-quality work in this endeavor.


Submissions from 2016


Book Review: Creativity, Inc., Marah R. Archer


Book Review: The Happiness Track, Laura Ferber


Book Review: Built to Last, Melanie A. Kulesz


Book Review: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Rohan Mathur


Book Review: Outliers, Howard Newell


Book Review: Leadership and Decision-Making, Vijay Saxena


Book Review: Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success, Patricia Sobczak


Book Review: Discover Your True North, Haley Swindler


Book Review: The Empress Has No Clothes, Natalie Sympson


Book Review: The Tipping Point, Meghan Wright