Document Type

Article Presentation

Original Publication Date


Date of Submission

April 2024


Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with an increased alcohol use and increased risk of developing alcohol use disorder (AUD). Previous literature suggests that the genetic association between PTSD and alcohol use differs from that between PTSD and AUD. Researchers in this study used a genomic Structural Equation Modeling, genomicSEM, to analyze data from a larger genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Participants in the study were of European descent.

Researchers investigated the genetic association between PTSD, alcohol use, and AUD through these large scale statistical analyses. Researchers observed a significant improvement in model fit (p < .001). Genetic correlations (rG) between PTSD and AUD were positive (rG: .36, p < .001), while those between PTSD and alcohol use were negative (rG: -0.17, p < .001). Researchers observed that when specific variables for alcohol use and AUD were isolated, key differences resulted in genetic association with PTSD, which indicated that the genetic makeup of alcohol-related behaviors is different in individuals with PTSD.


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