"The Eastern Goochland Greenway: Connecting Goochland's Past, Present, " by Scott A. Newhart

Author ORCID Identifier

Scott A. Newhart

Document Type

Professional Plan Capstone

Original Publication Date



Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation


Richmond, Virginia

Date of Submission

May 2020


The Eastern Goochland Greenway Plan proposes a shared-use trail that is nested within the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation’s (DCR) conceptualization of a statewide trail system called the James River Heritage Trail (JRHT). The JRHT includes shared use bicycle and pedestrian facilities as well as water trail access points that would connect pre-existing trail systems to new proposed trails that are parallel with and in close proximity to Virginia’s James River corridor and all of the natural, cultural, and historic resource opportunities that the surrounding areas offer. Specifically, the Eastern Goochland Greenway aims to serve two major purposes; to safely and sustainably connect the natural, cultural, and historic resources along the River Road West (Virginia State Route 6) and James River corridors in eastern Goochland County through providing a shared use trail for recreational enthusiasts, casual users, and commuters alike, and to contribute to ancillary benefits related to human health, economic impact, and environmental health that shared use recreational trails can provide.


© The Author

Is Part Of

Master of Urban and Regional Planning Capstone Projects
