"Myers Street Streetscape Plan" by Nathan J. Manning

Document Type

Professional Plan Capstone

Original Publication Date



City of Richmond’s Department of Planning and Development Review, City of Richmond’s Department of Public Work’s Division of Transportation Engineering


Richmond, Virginia

Date of Submission

May 2018


The Scott’s Addition neighborhood in Richmond, Virginia has faced growing density and redevelopment as the neighborhood has become an appealing place to live, work, and play. Myers Street sits directly East from most of Scott’s Addition and has historically housed many industrial businesses. The street is rapidly transforming as many commercial/retail businesses are moving into the corridor. Streetscape redevelopment of the corridor will cause a need for complete streets infrastructure allowing the street to be a safe place for all people, urban design to provide visual aesthetics, and sustainable water runoff catchments to help displace stormwater to name just a few.

This plan examines impacts on the Scott’s Addition neighborhood and specifically, Myers Street. Incremental land use changes have hindered safety within various corridors in the neighborhood as density has increased. Corridor observations have provided evidence that streetscape redevelopment of Myers Street would further its sustainability for the future. Thorough community outreach was conducted to gather input on how the streetscape should be managed and what elements of the corridor need the most attention. Surveys were distributed and interviews and observations were conducted with City of Richmond community members to gather this data. Results of the data gathering were analyzed to tailor the recommendations made for the corridor. To implement this plan, it is recommended to seek out grant funding.


© Nathan J. Manning

Is Part Of

Master of Urban and Regional Planning Capstone Projects
