"Stony Point Fashion Park Small Area Plan" by Jane I. Howk

Document Type

Professional Plan Capstone

Original Publication Date



Matthew Ebinger, Principal Planner, Land Use Administration Division, Department of Planning and Development Review, City of Richmond


Richmond, Virginia

Date of Submission

May 2021


The purpose of the Stony Point Fashion Park Small Area Plan is to explore the value and future of the Stony Point Fashion Park through the creation of a small area plan. This topic needs to be addressed immediately because malls are facing a sharp decline in economic growth and use. Online shopping brings a competition that malls do not seem to be equipped to address. This drives the research question: how can Stony Point Fashion Park be reimagined to attract business, increase residential growth, and maximize the potential for new services? Malls that continue to flourish differ significantly from those that sit vacant, and the Greater Richmond area has examples of both. To best address issues of sustainability and to ease the burden of increased land use, the revitalization and retrofitting of malls can decrease new land development and its impact on the natural environment. Utilizing existing developments that are underutilized spurs economic growth and strengthens the community’s sense of place. Malls populate a great number of localities and present an opportunity for economic growth that, with redesign, can serve as centers for services, retail, and residences.


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Is Part Of

Master of Urban and Regional Planning Capstone Projects
