"Wayfinding In Warrenton" by Logan Ashby

Document Type

Professional Plan Capstone

Original Publication Date



Department of Community Development


Warrrenton, Virginia

Date of Submission

May 2021


This research helps to inform and establish a wayfinding signage system throughout the Town of Warrenton. A wayfinding system can help connect people to places using the built environment and serves as an easily understandable visual guide. Establishing a wayfinding system will help the Town create a cohesive branding, achieve cohesive gateways, while also helping to establish the five character districts that were introduced in the most recent comprehensive plan. This study included a wayfinding audit, which helped to establish the existing conditions and recommend the following the goals: Establish an advisory board to advise the Town on wayfinding decisions that support local business and visitor experience. Create a sense of arrival into Warrenton and guide visitors to each district. Enhance connections and modify wayfinding system throughout Warrenton. By accomplishing these goals, Warrenton can be a well connected community with a strong sense of place that connects visitors to its numerous unique, vibrant and active districts and amenities.


© The Author

Is Part Of

Master of Urban and Regional Planning Capstone Projects
