"Tredegar Street Corridor Plan: A Step to Unifying the Richmond Riverfr" by Chesley A. DeLeon

Document Type

Professional Plan Capstone

Original Publication Date



Venture Richmond


Tredegar Street, Richmond, Virginia

Date of Submission

May 2021


In order to understand the performance of a transportation network, the three concepts of mobility, connectivity, and accessibility must be evaluated. Each concept must be assessed separately and collectively to comprehend how people move about the network. The purpose of this professional plan is to evaluate and enhance these three concepts of Tredegar Street by the James River in Richmond, Virginia. The street is part of an extensive transportation network that consists of roads, trails, and bridges that connect to parks, workplaces, residential neighborhoods, and Downtown. Tredegar Street plays a vital role as a conveyer of multiple users utilizing various modes of transportation who are traveling between diverse destinations, and therefore, must perform sufficiently in order to continue that role. Evaluating the mobility, connectivity, and accessibility of Tredegar Street can further explain the network’s current assets and limitations while informing future opportunities and improvements.

Through physical observations, a user survey, and technical research, Tredegar Street’s network was assessed and six goals to enhance the network’s performance were developed. These recommended goals focus on enhancing the mobility, connectivity, and accessibility of Tredegar Street’s network by using human-scaled approaches that reorient the street to the wants and needs of its current and potential users. If these recommendations are put into action, the Tredegar Street Corridor Plan: A Step to Unifying the Richmond Riverfront will make the area a safer and more comfortable environment for all ages, abilities, and racial/ethnic identities, regardless of their mode of transportation.


© Chesley A. DeLeon

Is Part Of

Master of Urban and Regional Planning Capstone Projects
