"Green Alley Network Plan" by Dan Motta

Document Type

Professional Plan Capstone

Original Publication Date





Richmond, Virginia

Date of Submission

May 2021


The Green Alley Network Plan seeks to realize the potential of Richmond’s public alleyways as opportunities for biodiverse shared streets acting as active transportation corridors, stormwater management systems, and public spaces that support high quality of life and community health. This project aims to be an expansion on Richmond’s Green Alley program, detailing tools, examples, recommendations, and steps to implementation. It is guided by the city’s visions of High-Quality Places, Equitable Transportation, a Diverse Economy, Inclusive Housing, and a Thriving Environment as expressed in the Richmond 300: A Guide for Growth Master Plan. Additionally, the region’s long-range transportation plan being developed by PlanRVA, ConnectRVA 2045, as well as the companion bicycle and pedestrian plan, is taken to account in this project and final document. This plan intends to help meet urgent challenges by utilizing natural processes in our stormwater and transportation infrastructure to support a healthier urban ecosystem.


© Dan Motta

Is Part Of

Master of Urban and Regional Planning Capstone Projects
