"Designing an Eco-Resilience Community in Brentwood, Washington D.C." by Nadya Syazsa

Document Type

Professional Plan Capstone

Original Publication Date



D.C. Office of Planning


Washington D.C.

Date of Submission

April 2023


As the world urbanizes at a dangerously rapid pace, this Professional Plan helps with addressing the need for urban resilience – the ability of a city’s systems to withstand and adapt to the shocks and stresses it may endure, such as natural disasters.

The purpose of this Plan is to design a network of green infrastructure projects (GIs) as part of establishing an eco-resilient community in Brentwood, Washington D.C. These projects are meant to be low-impact developments (LIDs) in order to minimize disruption to the existing fabric of the Brentwood community, yet still aid residents by increasing their capacity to mitigate potential hazards, such as urban heat islands (UHIs) and interior flooding.. The hopeful outcome of this Plan is to be a beneficial and comprehensive example that could be replicable in other urban neighborhoods.

In general, these interventions are planned strategically in order to achieve the goal of improving urban resilience in the study area. Throughout, the Plan hopes to inspire conversations and efforts to improve resilience particularly in environmentally sensitive areas (i.e., hot-spots). Addressing this challenge will require maintaining the coordinated effort from all stakeholders, including government agencies, community groups, and individual residents. The overarching vision as a result of this Plan is to create a vibrant, equitable, and resilient community within a large and dense urban area such as Washington D.C.


© Nadya Syazsa

Is Part Of

Master of Urban and Regional Planning Capstone Projects
