"Business Development Strategies for Main Street Petersburg" by Claire E. Parkey

Document Type

Professional Plan Capstone

Original Publication Date



Main Street Petersburg


Petersburg, VA

Date of Submission

May 2023


The purpose of this project was to analyze the market conditions and identify assets within downtown Petersburg and the surrounding community, which informed strategies for revitalization to be implemented in phases over the course of five years by Main Street Petersburg, Inc (MSP). This plan is centered in asset-based community development and informed by the Four-Point Main Street Approach emphasizing economic vitality, design, promotion, and organization as the cornerstones of successful revitalization.

Downtown Petersburg is a prime location for community development and revitalization, but he revitalization effort in Petersburg needs to be centered by a strong organization. The recommendations in this plan will position MSP to shape downtown development.


© The Author

Is Part Of

Master of Urban and Regional Planning Capstone Projects
