"Richmond Watts for Families: An Action Plan to Bring Multifamily Commu" by Daniel P. Rafferty

Document Type

Professional Plan Capstone

Original Publication Date



Dawn Oleksy


Richmond, VA

Date of Submission

May 2024


Seeking to advance community solar energy for multifamily residents within the City of Richmond, Virginia, the Richmond Watts for Families (WFF) is a plan to guide the city in developing robust multifamily community solar program(s). Community (shared) solar has emerged as an alternative approach to traditional rooftop solar energy by allowing customers to subscribe to a portion of a solar array that is shared among other subscribers, which has the opportunity to increase participation by marginalized communities and those currently without the financial or physical means to install solar This plan aids the city in implementing its recently adopted climate equity plan, RVAgreen 2050, by focusing on deploying the state approved Dominion Energy Multifamily Shared Solar (MFSS) Program to allow multifamily customers in Richmond the opportunity to participate. The WFF plan analyzes the financial, policy, and solar development aspects of creating a solar energy program and provides recommendations on how to create an effective multifamily community solar program for Richmond’s residents. The plan features a review of case studies and policy issues, an exploration of possible funding avenues, interviews with experts, three-staged suitability analysis to determine possible project locations, program Goals and Objectives, and an implementation plan that includes key actions and five proposed model programs to evaluate for implementation.


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Master of Urban and Regional Planning Capstone Projects
