Physical Therapy Publications - VCU Scholars Compass - Virginia Commonwealth University | Dept. of Physical Therapy | Virginia Commonwealth University
Publications from the Department of Physical Therapy, Virginia Commonwealth University. The School of Allied Health Professions maintains a listing of current faculty publications. Many of these are not represented in Scholars Compass due to copyright restrictions.


Submissions from 2024


Six-Month Pain and Function Outcome Expectations Were Established for Total Knee Arthroplasty Using the Smallest Worthwhile Effect, Daniel L. Riddle and Nancy Henderson

Submissions from 2018


Supporting play exploration and early developmental intervention versus usual care to enhance development outcomes during the transition from the neonatal intensive care unit to home: a pilot randomized controlled trial, Stacey C. Dusing, Tanya Tripathi, Emily C. Marcinowski, Leroy R. Thacke, Lisa F. Brown, and Karen D. Hendricks-Muñoz

Submissions from 2017


Can real-time visual feedback during gait retraining reduce metabolic demand for individuals with transtibial amputation?, Elizabeth R. Esposito, Harmony S. Choi, Benjamin J. Darter, and Jason M. Wilken

Submissions from 2016


Infant Hand Preference and the Development of Cognitive Abilities, George F. Michel, Julie M. Campbell, Emily C. Marcinowski, Eliza L. Nelson, and Iryna Babik

Submissions from 2015


Male and female runners demonstrate different sagittal plane mechanics as a function of static hamstring flexibility, D. S. Blaise Williams III and Lee M. Welch

Submissions from 2014


A novel myoelectric training device for upper limb prostheses, Ryan Clingman and Peter Pidcoe


Postural-Stability Tests That Identify Individuals With Chronic Ankle Instability, Shelley W. Linens, Scott E. Ross, Brent L. Arnold, Richard Gayle, and Peter Pidcoe

Submissions from 2013


Clinical Examination Results in Individuals With Functional Ankle Instability and Ankle-Sprain Copers, Cynthia J. Wright, Brent L. Arnold, Scott E. Ross, Jessica McKinney Ketchum, Jeffery J. Ericksen, and Peter Pidcoe

Submissions from 2012


Comparison of walking overground and in a Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment (CAREN) in individuals with and without transtibial amputation, Deanna H. Gates, Benjamin J. Darter, Jonathan B. Dingwell, and Jason M. Wilken


A phase III randomized three-arm trial of physical therapist delivered pain coping skills training for patients with total knee arthroplasty: the KASTPain protocol, Daniel L. Riddle, Francis J. Keefe, Dennis Ang, Khaled J., Levent Dumenci, Mark P. Jensen, Matthew J. Blair, Shelby D. Reed, and Kurt Kroenke

Submissions from 2010


Does left atrial volume affect exercise capacity of heart transplant recipients?, Mohammad Abdul-Waheed, Mian Yousuf, Stephanie J. Kelly, Ross Arena, Jun Ying, Tehmina Naz, Stephanie H. Dunlap, and Yukitaka Shizukuda

Submissions from 2009


The Importance of Saccular Function to Motor Development in Children with Hearing Impairments, Mary S. Shall

Submissions from 2005


Assessing sensitivity to change: choosing the appropriate change coefficient, Paul W. Stratford and Daniel L. Riddle